Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fashion Week: VPL

Ok, I am grossly behind on my reviews, but please don't let that reflect poorly on how I feel about VPL by Victoria Bartlett, which was one of my favorite shows. I always look forward to the VPL show, and I am never dissappointed.  Victoria always remains true to her signature style: Neutral tones with pops of bold color, undergarment themed elastics, unconventional draping, and jersey fabrics.  Yet she always does so within the influence of very specific themes such as Suffragettes, Female choreographers, and this time Velocity.
Her themes are always rooted firmly in the idea of female strength. This time she looked at kites and parachutes to somehow communicate perhaps the feeling of freedom and possibility one has whilst in flight. Personally I love the feeling of quiet confidence, of feeling completely comfortable in ones own skin. Her work is subtley bad-ass because it is born out of inner strength. I also love her sensibility of layering, unusual accessories, and shoes...but there is no surprise there as Victoria is also a stylist (who this season is responsible for having styled the edgy looks of Miss Sixty).
Yes, I am a huge fan. I'll let you know when there is a sample sale.

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