Thursday, November 20, 2008

LES shop night (for you New Yorkers)

I think that next to Williamsburg in Brooklyn, the Lower East Side is currently the reigning king of Cool. It's chock full of nighttime hotspots, vintage clothing stores, and indie designers. Well, tonight the party is on, and it's sale.
Some of my Fave LES stores that you should definitely check out are:

FROCK (vintage clothes)
148 Orchard

TG170 (vintage and indie designers)
170 Ludlow St

Exhibitionist Jewelry (rock and roll fine jewelry)
177 Orchard

KAIGHT (all organic eco friendly clothes)
83 Orchard

Jelena Behrend Studio (amazing hand crafted silver and gold jewelry)
188 orchard

All participating stores are having around 20 (sometimes 30-50) percent off. Bars are having happy hour. The fun is tonight from 6-10 pm...and just so you know, the LES starts South of Housten and East of Allen. Contrary to what some might say, it does not include the East village, which exists north of Housten on the East side.

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