Sunday, November 30, 2008

Matthew Williamson for H&M

Images above by Matthew Williamson, not for H&M
Wow, this is a big one for me. I am a huge fan of Matthew Williamson...I adore his attention to detail and how he conducts such an array of patterns and textures together as a perfect symphony. Imagine my glee when I read last week that he will be collaborating with H&M!! The trouble is that the guest designer lines at H&M mean lining up for hours and fighting for the piece you want. Honestly, as one who shops for a living, I can do without that hassle....but Matthew Williamson? If ever there was a reason to go into battle, this may be the one.
The infamous day will be April 23rd (at select stores only). Then he will release both mens and womens wear in H&M stores world-wide in mid-may.
In the mean time, you can shop his current collection on Net-A-Porter (see images above).

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