Friday, January 16, 2009

Target time

Now, more than ever, Target is ruling the market...because in a good or bad economy, there is always good reason for affordable designer duds.
December brought us Hayden-Harnett and Thakoon (of which I snagged only a couple items).
In March we all can look forward to the McQueen-Target collab, but in the mean time, you can satisfy yourself with some Target Go-International Private label (the 5th so far). Personally, I'm digging the vibe of this collection. They seem to have jumped on the 80's revival bandwagon without too much irony. The colors pop, there is an edge of new-wave punk, and I love the inclusion of geometric color blocking.
Above are a few of the looks I like, and you can view the full collection here.
Expect these duds to hit stores and online February 1st.

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