Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Guerrilla Art #22

Folks, with the relaunch of Guerrilla Stylist, also comes the relaunch of my fave regular segment :Guerrilla Art. Sure, it's not strictly a fashion segment, but we all know that designers look to street fashion for inspiration, and quite frankly so many trends in art and culture start on the street level. I love the fact that every day that I stroll through New York city, there is always new art to be seen and admired. And as we all know, some of these artists have become worldwide art phenoms such as Shepard Fairey and Banksy.
I thought this piece was very appropriate for the relaunch as it is a portrait of one of my favorite models, Erin Wasson (who, incidentally, I have worked with on many occasions and can tell you first hand that she is a cool and very creative chic). Equally appropriately, I found this piece down in Soho.

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