Monday, December 14, 2009

Nothing is Edgier than fighting for a CAUSE.

I love my edgy fashions, partially for the aesthetic and partially for the ethos. The Punk-Rock movement changed fashion forever in the 70's, but let's not forget that the daring looks were rooted in politics and social awareness. So I was pleased to see the latest in rocker jewelry has the balls to put their money where their (aesthetic) mouth is. Yassai 7 has created a fantastic collection of roughed-up mixed-up metals in cool designs that would set off any Alexander Wang inspired look you might put together. I adore what they have done, especially since I have been looking for non-hippy ways to adorn myself with peace signs (it's been 7 years, people). And now, if you buy a piece, you can also congratulate yourself for donating to a cause.  For 7 seasons, Yassai 7 will create different lines, each dedicated to a different cause. This season is particularly devoted to stopping blood diamonds (an appropriate start for a jeweler, me-thinks). Yes, sanctions have been laid down by the international community to stop blood diamonds, but the problem still remains, which is why Yassai 7 will be donating a portion of their profits to the cause.
So next time you don your biker boots and pyramid studded ensemble, let it be about something, like it was in the 70's.
Shop here

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