Friday, January 29, 2010

Closet Commando: the oxymoron of edgy-neutrals

***Disclaimer: the Balaclava is simply a cute blogger device, not recommended as a fashion statement unless committing espionage.***
For many years in my rocker past, I avoided neutrals. I had always found that black leather and jewel tones seemed to match my black hair and music preferences. I had thought that tans and taupes were reserved for the blondies out there. But that was a long time ago. Since then, I moved from blacks to greys, and discovered how warm tones vibrated so nicely against those greys. With my grey palate as a background, I then discovered gold and brass jewelry, and soon came to love taupes, tans, caramels, and nudes. The subtle contrast of warm and cold play off each other in such a complimentary way that a beautiful tension is created, that to me has its own edginess. Of course, it also helps greatly that many designers have incorporated these tones into modern silhouettes, utilizing highly geometric shapes to contrast the softness of the colors.

Taupe moto jacket: Afternoon
Silver skirt: VPL
Platform heels: Harajuku Lovers
Silver bow bracelet: Made Her Think
Grey resin ring: Made Her Think

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1 comments: on "Closet Commando: the oxymoron of edgy-neutrals"

Michael LeGrand said...

love that jacket,dress,& shoes!! You do have great style I have to say!!