Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bloomies treasure hunt

As I have just mentioned, I was indeed lurking around Bloomies today with a smidge of time to kill. Normally, while working, I have eyes only for what my client needs. If I am working in a certain color palate or silhouette, everything else is just background noise. You can imagine my vision to be not-unlike that of the terminator, with some sort of internal computer analyzing information and zeroing in on the target. But today, with that ever-so-rare factor of extra time (what's that?), I actually got to have a wee look around. I thought I'd take a few snapshots of things that I just thought were cool....especially since there is a sale on tomorrow, and you fine folk might want to take advantage (though, in all honesty, I have no idea if these particular items will be included in the sale or's to hoping!).
I saw an amazing hand dyed linen boyfriend jacket with cropped sleeves by Elizabeth and James, a slouchy-T dress with chiffon feathering at the bottom by Diane Von Furstenberg, and a buttery leather grey moto-vest by Seven (the moto-vest now really taking over from the moto-jacket).

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