Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yes, yes, I know the Guerrilla Stylist has been M.I.A., but that's to be expected these days. As you all know the country is suffering and the industry is suffering...I know it's probably important that I keep you all inspired to shop...but for now I can't bring myself to.
I mean, if you have the funds, by all means, go to town! I don't want to discourage. I am only trying to realign my own thinking these days towards being more of a recessionista. As a stylist I don't currently have too many jobs that require hitting the big stores (Bergdorfs, Saks, and Bloomies), instead I find myself working on advertising for discount merchants (which I have to say, you can do really well these days at designer discount stores).
I just thought I'd check in with everyone to say, yes I am still here, and I will be dishing again soon enough...but the following anecdote sums it up for me:

I was in a shop today, thinking "hell, maybe I'll buy myself just one little thing...". I was browsing, listening to a nice song, when the singer sang the following words:
"Some people want nothing, have nothing, and are free.
Some people eat the world up with their greed"
And I walked out of the store.

Note to shop keeper: you may want to review the lyrics of the music you play...

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1 comments: on "M.I.A."

Anonymous said...

Recessionista ... nice!