Monday, September 14, 2009

The masked avenger is back!

Yes, folks, the long absent urban Guerrilla has finally made her way back home to her computer. And I feel like I owe you all an explanation, of which I have several.
First of all, like any rebel worth her salt, I railed against my own harsh self-imposed posting schedule. There's a good reason I am a freelancer, and that is that I have never been able to stick to a routine.
But I have missed airing out my opinions, and so, by my own free will I have made my way back to you all.
Secondly, becoming a fashion blogger on top of being a stylist may have made me a bit of a shopoholic. I kind of figured that in a recession, I should figure out how to be more careful with my money, and stockpile some nuts for the long winter months. Which brings me to the actual point of this blog entry.
Last season, an iPhone saved my life. Yes, I was going down the slippery slope of binge shopping. I would deny myself for what seemed like eons ANY shopping at all, and thinking I had saved money, I would splurge on some new duds. However, I had no idea as to how long I had actually abstained from shopping, versus how much I was splurging. I blamed my blog.
But then, one fine day, I purchased a handy iPhone app (for 99 cents) called 'SPEND'. I decided on a weekly budget for any and all purchases (food, taxis, laundry, and yes, clothes....everything besides my regular bills). All I have to do is enter my purchases into the app, and it keeps track of how much I spend per week. If I over or underspend, the balance rolls over to the following week. This way, if I do manage to abstain from shopping, eating out, drinking expensive cocktails, then I can also easily manage to buy myself guilt-free treats. And psychologically, it helped me be aware of the real price of my purchases, and in turn, I have been more discerning.
In a recent spring clean of my closets, I discovered that I had succumbed to the marketing ploys of the 'once in a lifetime' opportunities as afforded by the recent trend of designer collaborations with highstreet stores. My closet was rammed with designer clothes that either were not really my style, or some of which were poorly constructed. I happily handed them over to some deserving girls at a clothing swap, and have since started again fresh.
So now, when I enter a clothing or shoe purchase into my SPEND app, you can bet that I have the funds, and that the piece I have chosen is beloved and special.
And so, with my addiction well under control, and a more discerning eye, I am back. Here to help you all achieve maximum stylishness, no matter what your budget.
Because, hey, there's an app for that.

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