Thursday, November 5, 2009

Discount Diva

Well, kids, it's been a busy couple of weeks. Work is in full swing, but clients are still very wary about spending money. Meanwhile, discount merchants are flourishing, as well they should be. So I will continue to give my fashionista readers the benefit of my hunting abilities. One need not sacrifice personal style, even when our purse strings are cinched as tight as our corset belts.
So, as we all know by now, grey is the neutral color of the decade. Its subtle edge goes with absolutely everything, and provides the perfect background for anyones personal expression. Personally, I have been enamoured with the color for enough years that my closet is starting to look like the first few scenes of The Wizard of Oz. I think it's time that my house lands in Munchkin Land, and I get to be in technicolor again. So, I have been on the hunt for colorful and print dresses to wear with my beloved grey cardigan or black motorcycle jacket, and once again TJ Maxx had the goods.
Pictured above is a Vince print silk dress and a Magenta Catherine Malandrino crocheted dress that I spotted in the Manhattan store (18th street and 6th avenue) at deeply discounted prices. And FYI, on the same trip I also spotted my beloved grey in the form of a Mint dress and an Alessandro Dell'Acqua jacket.

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