Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, I know this is way late, being that fashionweek was in September, but you gotta cut a working stylist some slack. Thankfully the bleeding feet I get from running around town can sometimes be rewarding, as there is nothing like an eyeful of beautiful artistry to distract me from the pain.
The Maticevski show was at the Altman building, which I find to be the most friendly hassle free fashionweek venue (by the by). However, it's low key nature did not have me prepared for the edgy glamour that I was about to witness. Floaty feminine fabrics, delicate textures, touches of dazzling diamante, hand painted with black streaks to give the glamour a hard edge. When I saw the dress above, I immediately had visions of a rock-star star wedding.
I love it.

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