Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Generational Inspiration

We all know our favorite designers often look to the past for inspiration. This christmas I was rooting through old family photos, and was amazed at how stylish my parents were. These days, ikt seems, that every young male with a sense of fashion is trying to look like my dad in the 60's and 70's, with the whole look revolving around the 'nerd' glasses. My dad actually was a nerd (complete with PhD in Physics), but I am loving the bandana he is rocking above.
I also found this picture of my mother, who was never afraid of a short hemline and a bright pattern. This particular dress makes me think of Marc Jacobs and Anna Sui.
I highly encourage rooting through old photos when searching for new styling inspiration, you never know what you'll find!

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1 comments: on "Generational Inspiration"

Maria Tereza said...

Oh sweet photos!
i like to look for inspirations in old photos too. We can always find surprises.
your mom's dress is adorable.