Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guerrilla Art #24 Mexico Edition

This stencil was found in Sayulita, Mexico and is a portrait of Emiliano Zapata, one of the original Mexican Guerrilla Leaders from many years ago. This one, folks, is the real deal.

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2 comments: on "Guerrilla Art #24 Mexico Edition"

Anonymous said...

I actually live in Sayulita and I just wanted to let you know that this is not a stencil but was actually painted freehand. It is part of the statue and signage indicating the town hall. I felt I had to let you know since I am a guerrilla art lover myself. This is definitely NOT guerrilla art.

guerrillastylist said...

Ah yes, this is not actually a stencil, thank you for pointing that out. However, it is a portrait of an actual Guerrilla, thus I felt like including it in my regular "guerrilla art" segment . Sorry for the confusion!
And BTW, how awesome that you live in Sayulita! I am very jealous!