Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Closet Commando: Mixing Patterns and Eras, courtesy of L.A.M.B.

It's funny, I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I only wore solid colors (though truth be told, it was at least a decade), and now I love my patterns. I love them so much that I want to throw them together in unexpected ways. I also feel like patterns hold meaning and mood. For example: I'm a huge fan of florals, but they are feminine and soft, so I must mix them with a bold stripe. It's all part of my master plan to confuse those who are trying to put me in a box. Mixing patterns is also about mixing messages, for we are all complex beings. Of course, I could wax on about how to properly clash your patterns. There are guidelines you could follow (such as: there should be a commonality between the patterns, as well as a marked difference), but in the end, you are going to have to trust your eye and your gut on this one. Because what are we doing when we dress, if not communicating.
This particular outfit starts with a cashmere houndstooth sweater. Houndstooth was very prevalent in the 80's, and the more bold black and white version speaks specifically to New Wave and Ska (both favorites of mine). Plaid has a richer history. I often equate it with Punk (which is really not that contrasting to New Wave and Ska), but it can also be equated with the scottish, school girls, and secretaries. In this instance, the pencil skirt silhouette makes it scream 1960's Madmen. I could be one of Don Drapers 'girls' in this skirt, but the edginess invoked by my more liberated houndstooth would knock him down a peg.
Likewise, the shoes have a touch of polka-dot to them, with a vintage inspired mary-jane strap. yet the platform and 6" heel mean no nonsense. I tower over any man under 6' in these heels, so although they hurt my feet, they also make me feel powerful. I guess it all depends on your perspective and your attitude. Are you a Peggy or a Joan?

Sweater, skirt, and heels all by L.A.M.B.
Diamante star necklace: vintage
Silver Bow Bracelet: Made Her Think
Silver Corset Ring: Godeux (my own jewelry line)

***Disclaimer: The bandit-mask is simply a blogger device. I do not recommend wearing one with your outfit unless you're a real ball-breaker.***

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1 comments: on "Closet Commando: Mixing Patterns and Eras, courtesy of L.A.M.B."

mltcb21 said...

Sweet outfit! I love your writing, the wax on bit is genius!