Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fashion Week: Suma C.

Well, yesterday was a harrowing day of some disappointing shows, and today was a harrowing day of falling over in the snow. Thankfully, yesterday's bright shining star was relative new-comer Suma C. I met Suma Chander at a beautiful suite at Trump Tower overlooking the East River. We sat down and discussed how one becomes qualified to be titled a 'New Yorker', popular myth being that it takes a decade. Personally, I think that being worldly and sophisticated is what does it, and that, Suma has in spades. She also has a New Yorkers taste level: never settling for less than perfect, never gaudy, and always incorporating the very best of the best. The worldliness comes in with her Indian heritage, her traveling to Italy to find the best fabrics, and the fact that she has everything made in New York city. 
I was quite enamored with her work, her personality, and her lovely PR crew at D2publicity. I think I would have done better hanging out with them all day, than the rest of the shows I attended.  Overall, I believe her collection is to be worn by rather sophisticated women, but her look book was styled with an edge that I could really go for on a personal level. The image posted above are looks from her Fall/Winter 2010 look book, that were kindly sent to me via email. I actually had a hell of a time editing it down to my very favorites, but my dear readers can see how the aesthetic of this collection would actually fare very well in my down-town wardrobe, despite being of the luxury quality of an uptown world.

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