Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SJP is killin' it in Marchesa

This dress just kills me. I actually have it in a nice folder on my computer desktop marked 'favorites' from Fashionweek. Would that I were a celebrity so that I could be trotting around in a Fall/Winter 2010 dress like this. Soak it in! The floatiness, the flirty skirt length, and that collar-bone detail! Stunning. SJP wore this Marchesa confection at the ShoWest Awards in Vegas.
My only qualm is the bra strappage. This could have been avoided, no? But I do love the sexy bare legs and simple platform pumps. Booties would be a cute look too, but might as well be all legs in this showpiece dress and keep the rest simple simple simple. There is no need to over style this one, as the dress says it all.

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1 comments: on "SJP is killin' it in Marchesa"

wreckedstellar said...

SPJ looks gorgeous- I totally want that dress!