Sunday, October 17, 2010

Factory Outtakes 3: Military chic nerd

How many contradictions can one meld into the same outfit? Military bondage pants, a delicate textural silk blouse, nerd glasses, and a lady-like patent quilt purse. I just love it when opposing elements work so well together creating an effortless yet elegant feel. This is an outfit that communicates personality and class. This was one of my favorites.

Military bondage pants - Dries Van Noten
Silk reptile blouse - Grace Sun
Black suede wedge booties - Dries Van Noten
Anatomical Heart necklace - Caja Jewelry
Quilt patent bag - Matt & Nat
Bracelet - Vintage
Glasses - Fabulous Fanny's

Photos by Frey+Martin

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1 comments: on "Factory Outtakes 3: Military chic nerd"

Ariel said...

Love the nerd look! It's interesting how it's revived recently. I just wrote about it, actually: - Please check it out. Thanks! -Ariel