Monday, February 21, 2011

Strap me into my new obsession

I am loving that fashion went punk and edgy a few years ago, and it seems to have stayed on the dark side. I mean, in a way, it makes it difficult to maintain any sort of level of mystique or image of rebellion, but on the other hand it means that cool things are readily available for purchase.
Last fashionweek Marios Schwab featured a long otherwise feminine floaty white dress paired with a caramel colored leather harness.  There are so many things I love about this, I don't know where to start. A harness is an innovative way to belt a dress and help create a flattering silhouette. It also provides a contrast color as well as an interesting geometric pattern. But most of all, it provides a bad-ass edge, and as you readers must know about me by now, I love contrasting the uber-feminine with the uber-tough. 
I dream of pairing a caramel leather harness on a simple heather grey t-shirt maxi dress. Or a black leather harness on my floaty feminine cream chiffon dress. 
I've actually discovered some great harness options on Etsy. See below:
Marios Schwab photo from

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