Monday, March 8, 2010

Fashion Week Trend: Say it ain't so, with all the FUR!

It is with a heavy heart that I must report that Fur was an unavoidably huge trend during this fashionweek. It was so prevalent, that I would be amiss to ignore it. I blame Rachel Zoe.
It's tough, because I must admit that the fur adds texture, dimension, volume and a ton of character to the looks. But I seriously could not wear it unless it was fake, and then faux fur starts to feel like an oversized dust-bunny after a while.
I will not go on too much about this trend, as the first thing it makes me think of is how much I love my cat. But second to cute furry animals who did no one any harm, fur can recall the 70's (if you're Rachel Zoe), or old hollywood glamour, or even mad-max beyond thunder dome (think Tina Turner). I must admit that I really liked how the looks came together on the runway, and I am not entirely sure how I might get the same feel with another material (a chunky sweater maybe??). So all I can suggest is to save your pennies and a few lives, by buying a fakie. There's no shame in that!
Top photo from left to right: Vena Cava, Richard Chai Love, Derek Lam, Carlos Miele, Helmut Lang. Bottom photo from left to right: Jeremy Laing, Karen Walker, DKNY, Marc Jacobs (love those gloves!!), Jen Kao. (all pictures from

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