Friday, February 26, 2010

Fashion Week Trend-watch: I'll always love Plaid

I can't even think of a time when Plaid wasn't cool. It has manifested itself in fashion a myriad of ways, and always with a bold statement. We all know by now that the '90's grunge is making a comeback, at that time it was all about flannel plaid. But I will always be a lover of punk-rock plaid, both on the streets and high fashion (read: Vivienne Westwood and McQueen). Then, of course, there are the scots whose familial identities revolve around particular tartans. Not to mention the goodie/naughty catholic schoolgirl look. What I love about the modern manifestation of plaid is the usage in mixed print scenarios, as well as the mixed ideology usage. With its rich history and varied identities, it becomes the quintessential post-modern print, and one of the most fun to play with.
Pictured above from left to right: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Chris Benz, Rodarte, Jason Wu, Rag and Bone (from

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