Friday, February 26, 2010

fashion Week Trend-watch: wrap up that bandage

I must admit that when Max Azria relaunched the Herve Leger brand and bandage dress back in 2007, I thought it would be a brief one trick pony. The body-con dress can be a difficult one to pull off, as classy and sexy at the same time is a fine line to walk. But if you can walk it, all the while in 5 inch heels, it's definitely worth the risk.
So despite the fact that the bandage dress was invented a decade and half ago, it has once again gotten legs and spin off into many designers collections. I included in the photos, a dress from Max Azria spring collection, as a lot of the fall collections seem to have been heavily influenced by the print fabric and black sheer cut-outs. I am loving the new direction of the bandage dresses, with wider bandages allowing prints and ruching, lace, asymetrics,and overlays.
Regardless, there are a lot of choices for ladies out there who want to wow a room. Just be careful about that aforementioned line. If you are showing a lot of leg, ease up on the cleavage (and vice versa). Don't over-do it on the accessories, as simplicity is the key to classy. High heels are a must, but again, be sure that they don't look cheap. You can never go wrong with a simple nude or black heel. A bootie would add a nice touch of edge, while toning down the sexiness a notch.
Pictured above from left to right: Nicole Miller, Herve Leger, Max Azria (spring), Cynthia Steffe, Tracy Reese. Below from left to right: VPL, Max Azria, Diesel, Narciso Rodriguez (all pictures from

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